Friday, December 14, 2012

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Wow! I can not believe this year is almost gone.  It's been a very bumpy ride.  Dealing with small business owners on a daily basis helps me keep my finger on the pulse of America.  They've all been crying this year and hoping for some relief following the elections.  I've been crying with them.  We have had one of the hardest years ever in our business.  Unfortunately, we did not get relief, just more of the same.  I can not believe there are still so many liberals supporting Obama.  It's shocking how gullible people can be.  I don't know if we can take four more years of Obama but it looks like we're going to find out.
I pray we survive and even thrive in spite of the current regime.  One thing I know for sure. God is in charge.  Taking our country down the toilet may be exactly what we need for Jesus to come back and take believers out of here.  If that's what happens then hallelujah! I'm ready, what about you?