Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Have you ever stopped and considered how amazing the human body is.  Our body has the ability, in many cases, to heal itself.   Sometimes I don't think we recognize that we are the cause of many of the diseases and illnesses we have.  Sometimes we judge others because they smoke or drink or take drugs and we say "look at the damage they are doing to themselves!"  And yes, it's true.  It is also true that I am not doing myself any favors.
One of my favorite verses in the bible is Psalms 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."  We are wonderfully made!  But I haven't been treating my body with kindness.  I haven't loved and respected myself enough to give my body the best, most nutritious food available.  Even sadder, I haven't appreciated the wonderful gift God has given me.
He has given me an extremely complex body that, when working right, has the ability to fight illness and keep illness at bay.  In return, I have abused it. That is a sad thing to admit.  I have a sports car that requires premium gas to function at it's best.  I wouldn't dream of putting regular gas in it but I've put all kinds of junk food in my body!  Let me stand on the roof and shout that to myself J-U-N-K.  My car gets premium and I get junk!  What am I thinking?
In the past few years I have put on about eighty five pounds!  If that's not abuse, I don't know what is.  Think about how exhausting it would be to carry an average 12 year old around on your back all day.  Now carry that kid around every day for a year.  It's no wonder I'm exhausted.  My back hurts, my feet hurt, my butt hurts if I sit for long spells.  I can't sleep well because my back hurts.  My cholesterol is high and I have osteopenia. I get out of breath walking to the mailbox and back.  It's ridiculous!
I have decided to start eating a nutritarian diet.  This is a diet that focuses on eating whole foods.  Food that hasn't been processed.  The closer to the way it comes out of the grown the better.  Focusing on vegetables & fruits, nuts, seeds and grains.  In the beginning, when God created man He put him in the middle of a garden with all kinds of fruits and vegetables to eat, so I know it's good.  I am supposed to go to the doctor in May or June to get my annual blood work for my thyroid condition & cholesterol.  I am excited to see if three months of eating right will be reflected in my numbers.  Whee! Here we go.

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