Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving is Just 3 Days Away, eek!

Thanksgiving is just 3 days away & I'm sort of dreading it.  I've made the choice to change the way I eat for better health & to lose weight.  I'm afraid it's going to be very difficult to resist some of the food goodies that go hand in hand at the holiday.  We usually go to my sisters but she just had knee replacement surgery so we're not going this year.  That may be my saving grace!  It would be especially difficult to make good choices when there are really few good choices to pick.  We're going to go out to eat.  That won't be ideal but I can choose a large salad & lots of vegies.  Even though they'll have fat they wouldn't have at home I also won't have a bunch of unhealthy left overs to deal with.
Sometimes making the right choice & sticking with it is very difficult but I've got to keep my on the prize - better health, feeling better & looking better. So let's go!

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